Monday, February 24, 2014

Know the unsuspecting things that are making you fat

You are spending hours at the gym toiling out all that food eaten the day before and much before that but to no avail. Your scales show no difference. Is there something wrong? There should be, otherwise, why isn’t your workout supporting fat burning? Read on to know some things that are an integral part of your life but go unnoticed and add pounds to your middle:

Suspicious food labels: You need to become an expert at reading labels on items at the grocery store. Some products carry labels with ingredients that make you believe that you are making a healthy choice. So it’s time to equip yourself with knowledge on which ingredient offers what amount of nutritional value.

Soda drinking: Diet sodas are quite popular but do you know the effect it has on your waist? Many studies have shown that drinking more than two diet sodas a day have extreme detrimental effect on your weight and waist. They may conspicuously seem like being low on calories but you can see the consequences yourself.

Inadequate rest: You are not just cranky but on your way to putting on weight if you don’t get adequate sleep and rest during the night. The danger of consuming more calories through the day just to stay awake can tell on your health and how!

Opt for cold weather: It is tough to get your body used to colder climate. But your body burns more calories to keep you warm when you are subjected to cold weather. So turn off that heater and allow your muscles to contract to be able to generate heat and burn calories.

Help from raspberry ketone: This compound of red raspberries packs in fat burning function by stimulating adiponectin that regulates the body metabolism. You can find abundance of this compound in the Raspberry Ketone Pure dietary tablets, which are intended to help you lose flab by focusing on appetite suppression and fat cells burning apart from increasing energy levels and reducing fatigue.

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