Wednesday, July 3, 2013

Weight loss myths that you thought were true!

There are loads of dos and don’ts that people will tell you when you are in the process of losing weight. But how many of them can you actually believe and implement? Although most of them may seem logically sound, they are in fact myths created by people. Apart from having a proper workout and diet regime and  including a natural food supplement such as raspberry ketone,  there is lesser truth in the other pointers that you have been forced to believe. It’s time to break the jinx and introduce you to the actual facts so that you lose weight in the right manner. Here are a few myths that have been busted to aid your weight loss efforts:

  • Do not eat after 8pm: It is not about when you eat that matters most, it is what and how much you eat which affects your weight. The reason why some diets advice you to have an early dinner is that people tend to overeat at nights and to curb them from doing so, this myth has been passed off as a fact. Instead, what you must not do is skipping a meal during the day which makes you binge during night times. 
  • Weight gain is directly proportional to calorie intake:  It is commonly believed that you gain weight when you consume more calories than you burn. But there are things such as good and bad carbohydrates. Bad carbohydrates get easily digested and absorbed into the bloodstream and if there are excess sugars they can get stored as fat. The fibre in good carbohydrates helps reduce the digestion rate, control blood sugar levels which gives longer duration for body to burn calories from those good carbohydrates that are stored as fats.
  • Avoid red meat: When eaten in moderation, red meat is a good source of protein and iron. Hence complete avoidance of this food is not required.
  • If you don’t sweat, you are not losing weight: There is no correlation between perspiration and weight loss. Sweat signifies that body is cooling off and is disposing off the waste. Everybody has a different sweat cycle. Opt for a workout which suits your lifestyle.

Apart from including a proper diet and exercise regimen in your day, you can also consider using Raspberry Ketone Plus to gain back the energy lost during workouts. Weight loss can be a tedious process which may suck out a lot of energy out of you. You can buy Raspberry Ketone Plus, a natural food supplement, from to aid your weight loss efforts naturally.

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